
A Client's Visit

"A leader knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way" - John Maxwell

LOOK: Rich Salas visited us here at the office. He wants to make sure that everything is well and fine, from the infrastructure to the welfare of the people working at GEOS SL. He also provided hands-on training to some of our employees, which is something that our staff is looking forward to having more with him.

Rich Salas has been in the ticketing industry for almost two decades and has owned multiple ticketing companies during that time in the United States. As a true blooded capampangan, Rich decided to outsource one of his ticketing companies in the Philippines, especially in his hometown, to provide job opportunities for the people of San Luis, Pampanga. With such passion, GEOS SL was envisioned and founded by Arnold Galang, GEOS SL was created and started operations last June 21, 2022.

To personally witness the foundation and creation of GEOS SL, Rich visited the Philippines last May 11, 2022 and was able to meet and greet some of the agents of the company. The employees were all happy and excited to meet one of the primary clients of GEOS SL in person.

Rich had quality time talking and supervising the agents while at work. He also provided some personal training to the agents, especially under the pricing department. It was indeed a productive and meaningful visit. We are humbled and grateful to be visited by one of the primary stakeholders of GEOS SL.

We are thankful for your time visiting us at GEOS SL and we are looking forward to more visits in the future. We are also hoping to meet other clients/stakeholders from the United States. You are always welcome at the GEOS SL facility.


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